We are excited to welcome everyone back to Sunday school this fall!
Sunday school will be from 8:30 - 9:20 a.m. each week starting on Rally Sunday, September 8. After worship on September 8, we will have a Rally Sunday Celebration! We will have games, walking tacos, and cotton candy!
Please fill out 1 registration form per child. Any child turning 3 years old during the 2024/2025 school year is welcome to start Sunday school. We have Sunday school classes through 5th grade. Middle school youth are welcome to attend our confirmation class on Wednesday evenings. On Sunday mornings, we have a new Faith Sparks class for our middle school and high school youth.
All children are invited to participate in our
Backpack Blessing at the Worship in the Park on Sunday, August 18, 9:30 a.m. at Memorial Park. There will be a potluck and games after service. Bring chairs for your family, tableware, and a dish to share.