Atlanta Studies Symposium 2021
The eighth annual Atlanta Studies Symposium welcomes proposals on any aspect of Atlanta, past, present, or future. Priority will be given to those that directly relate to the conference theme, “Inclusive Innovation: Designing the Future of Atlanta,” or that respond to the current historical moment.  

Presenters who had work accepted for the 2020 symposium which was canceled can either present that work or submit new work for consideration.  If submitting new work, please indicate whether you would like to present the prior work, should the new work not be a good fit for this year's symposium.

Please fill out the form below.

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Submit a Proposal for Atlanta Studies Symposium 2021
Please use this form to submit abstracts for the eighth annual Atlanta Studies Symposium, entitled "Inclusive Innovation: Designing the Future of Atlanta," which will take place online in May 26, 2021.  This year's symposium is being organized by the the Woodruff Library of the Atlanta University Center.

Abstracts are due February 26, 2021, and notifications will be sent out by March 12, 2021.
Are you submitting an abstract for a solo or multi-author paper/poster or for a full session? *
Did you have work accepted for the 2020 symposium? *
If you had work accepted for the 2020 symposium, would you prefer to present that work or submit new work?
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