District KC BBQ Job Application
WOW! Are you ready for this? We are so excited you are applying to join our team.  You have the potential to join us on the ground level of a global movement that is more than just about great ribs and burnt ends!
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First Name *
Last Name *
Preferred Phone Number *
E-Mail Address
Which job are you apply for? *
Where do you work now?
Company Position
Do you have any side hustles? List all please
Twitter ID (if you have one)
What city do you live in? *
Which state do you call home? *
Zip Code *
Are you fluent in another language? Please list.
What is your favorite aspect about Barbecue?
Why do you want to work with us?
What prior work have you done before that qualifies you for the position you are applying for? Please list number of employees supervised and responsibilities, etc.
Why do you think you are the right person for the job?
Are you a US citizen, a permanent legal resident or do you otherwise have the legal right work in the USA? *
Last year of schooling completed *
List of all college names you attended
Have you ever been convicted of anything other than minor traffic violations? Are you involved in pending litigation?
Are you or your employer providing products, goods or services to District BBQ?
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Would you be willing to relocate for an opportunity?
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Have you ever applied for an opportunity with District BBQ before? *
How did you learn of this opportunity? *
I understand that the submission of this application does not obligate me or District BBQ in any manner, nor does it imply that there is any legal or commercial relationship between us. I further understand that District BBQ has the sole right to approve or disapprove the Application for any reason it may determine, and in the event that District BBQ disapproves the Application, District BBQ shall have no liability or ongoing obligations to me.I certify that the information contained in this Application is accurate and complete. District BBQ is authorized to investigate my background as it pertains to my qualifications. *
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