Class Roster 2024-02
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Class Name and Section Number *
English Name *
Peter Parker  (First Name Last Name)
Korean *
도요한 (use N/A if it doesn't apply)
Student ID # *
Yonsei Email *   (This will be used to send you your grades; therefore, this account should be active and accessible.) (avoid  creating an email with MSN 365 Yonsei account please)
Major *
Kakao ID *
Phone Number *
Please use a HYPHEN to separate the numbers (ex. 010-4222-2222 and not 01042222222). Thank you! ^^
Email *
Write a SECONDARY email address that you use often please. 
If you are an international student or an exchange student, let me know here! OR if you have any learning special needs, this is the place to communicate it to me. 
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