2023 Walk for Peace and Justice Organizational Commitment Form
We, members of the organization named below, pledge to support the Sept 30th Walk for Peace and Justice as indicated in the responses below.
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Name of organization  *
Name of organizational contact  *
Phone number *
Email *
We will encourage participation from our members to join the Walk for Peace and Justice on Sept 30th.
We will make signs for participants to hold indicating their affiliation to our organization and calls for peace and justice.
We will plan to have a table sharing information about our organization at the Walk for Peace and Justice.

OPTION 1: We will do a fundraiser

We will plan a fundraising walkathon for our own organization and will contribute 10% of our income to FNVW for providing the administration of the Walk for Peace and Justice and to cover processing fees for the collection of pledges.

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OPTION 2: We will not do a fundraiser

We will provide an administrative fee to assist in the planning and organization of the Walk for Peace and Justice. (Suggested minimum of $50)

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