Sign up for 1:1 Free Session with Christina ⭐️
Dear Soul, if you are currently struggling to reach your potential, if you feel like you know who you are deep within but somehow you are not "your best Self" as of now, if you feel like life has been pushing you down or swaying you to lands where you don't want to walk, if you feel restless or tired and you need a little help to get realigned so you can reconnect with your Soul and live the life of your dreams (life of abundance, joy, love and freedom), you have this unique chance to work with me 1:1 FOR FREE. 

If you get chosen, here is what you can expect: 
- 2 one hour long sessions in which we will: 
• analyze the blockage using several techniques (classical couching, astrology, chakra system, ayurveda, active meditations)
• find the best approach to your issue based on your Soul map
• implement your step by step strategy to unblock your North Star Radiance 🪄

Why to work with me: 
There are several reasons but the most important one is: I have been there. My life hasn’t always been what you see on the socials today. And truth be told, despite having manifested most of my dreams, it still is difficult at times. I guess that allows me to find new ways to help myself and others. 

My childhood was very rocky, I lived alone ever since I was 16, secretly writing bachelor thesis’ for other students just to make ends meet. Everything in my life was toxic, including my relationship to myself as an individual and as a Soul. 

Then, 2018 came and with it my first Dark Night of the Soul. My disc got mysteriously herniated in my sleep and I spent months laying in bed in excruciating pain. Strangely, whenever I think of those times, I smile. Someone opened the gates to the other side and all those gifts I tried to push away as a scared child came back. I meditated for a whole year, and ventured to places that were far beyond anyone’s sci-fi imagination. 

I met my husband, left a job that didn’t align with my calling, and started writing my book. Things started manifesting like crazy, I had to literally be very careful what and who I think about. But then something happened again… 

I was literally at the pinnacle of my game, or so it felt, when suddenly the wind came and with it another Dark Night of the Soul. The first one indicated a coming of a Kundalini Awakening, this one was ten times stronger and completely broke my puzzles. I had no idea who I was, I had no spark to live, I was beyond confused and devastated. On the surface level, I had everything.

And so another year came of daily meditations, 2000 journaled pages, frequent voyages into my inner landscapes and talking with archetypes. I learned new alchemical techniques, somatic release and many other techniques to work with myself, I dived much deeper into astrology, I wasn’t afraid to stare into the abyss, because I was already in it, waiting to hit the bottom at some point

Sometimes, you can feel lost in life, but life is a pendant, swinging from one side to the other, and at some point you will get to the other side - however, the quality and meaning of when you are on the bright side depends on how much you are willing to learn about your dark side. 

Last year I got initiated into shadow-work as I never thought I would have but life has her own ways.

Your life is valuable. You are Divine. You have a huge potential within you and after years of struggling myself, coping with very Dark Night of the Soul, I know that my job is to help you find yourself on all levels possible because if you do, chances are, you will help everyone around you, just by being you. 

The world needs your Light and Joy. 
Chances are you have no idea yet how powerful you are. I feel it is my Soul's mission to get you there.
Let's find the real YOU. 

PS. Fill in the form as honestly as possible, there is absolutely no judgement, but in order for me to know if we are a good fit I need to know your truth. 

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Imagine Reaching Your Absolute Potential And Living The Life Of Your Dreams 💛 It's Closer Than You Think! 
What do you specifically need support with?
How long have you been experiencing this? 
Why do you feel you need to fix this now? 
Are you open to eastern philosophies? (Vedas such as Ayurveda, Chakra system etc.)
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Are you open to Astrology?
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In short, define your belief system
Are you willing to make change in your life?
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What is your current job?
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