Foster Parent Application
Thank you for your interest in the ResPet Foster Care Program. Our goal is to be a safety net for dog's who have loving homes but can not care for them temporarily. Their owners may be struggling with mental health issues, illness, eviction, domestic violence and have no other alternative or resources to care for them during this time. We are dedicated to keeping pets in a safe environment during their owner's crisis ultimately ensuring that pets and their families stay together once the owners emerge from their crisis.
Fosters are an integral part of ResPet, becoming the safety net which keeps beloved pets from becoming homeless. Some pets owners crisis will last for a few days, others for a few months. Please provide the following information to  help us make the best match between your foster home and a foster animal.

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Email *
Contact and personal Information
Name *
Date *
Address *
City *
Zip *
Home phone *
Work phone
Cell phone
Email *
How long are you willing to foster? *
What date can you take in a foster pup? *
I live in a: *
I: *
If you are renting, please provide the landlord's contact information
Landlord's Name
Landlord's Phone
Has the landlord listed above given permission for foster animals?
Note: ResPet may require written verification of this permission.
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Do any children live in your household? *
If yes, ages:
Do any children under 5 visit your home? *
Who will take care of your animals if you are out of town?
Personal Pet Information
Do you currently have pets? *
Did you have pets in the past? *
List type of pet and names:
Are your animals spayed/neutered?
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Current on vaccinations?
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Can you provide proof of vaccination?
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Explain the circumstances of any pets that have died in the past:
If you have cats, are they allowed outdoors?
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If you have dogs, where are they kept during the day and where do they sleep at night?
How many hours are your pets left alone each day?
Current Veterinarian Name
Veterinarian Phone:
Foster Care Questions
Please check the type of animal(s) you would consider fostering *
Explain your reason for wanting to foster an animal at this time: *
What do you consider the negative aspects of fostering? *
A home inspection is required at ResPet for all foster parents. Are you willing to have a Foster Representative visit your home? *
Can you transport your fosters to a Vet for medical attention if needed? *
Do you have a warm, dry ventilated room for the foster pet? *
For dog fosters, is your property completely fenced by at least a 6-foot high fence? *
Are you able to provide isolation from other pets for the foster animal, if needed? *
Are you able/willing to bring the pet to a ResPet representative once every 2 weeks for the pet to reunite with its owner if requested?
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Please list the names and contact information for 3 references  who routinely see you with your pets, do not live in your home and are not related to you. Example: neighbors, friends, pet sitters, etc.
#1 Name:
#1 Phone:
#2 Name:
#2 Phone:
#3 Name:
#3 Phone:
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