Spectrum JamFest 23 Application
This is an application to perform at the 2023 Spectrum JamFest
Date: May 20, 2023
Location: River Place Plaza, Downtown Cedar Falls, IA.
Time: 2:00 PM-5:30 PM. Groups are scheduled into time slots.
Cost: Free
Deadline: March 17, 2023
1. 3 or more students in a group (35 max)
2. Grades PK-12, ages 4-19.
3. 1-2 songs
4. Music styles: rock, hip-hop, pop, country, alternative, punk, metal, bluegrass, folk, etc.
5. Musicians provide their own music. No singers-only or karaoke-like accompaniments. Pre-recorded tracks are fine, but they should accompany the musicians on stage.
6. Groups must be accompanied by an adult (e.g., teacher, parent)
7. All applicants will be asked to supply a video of their progress by April 21, 2023.

Provided by Spectrum JamFest
1. Sound system: 5 microphones, 2 monitors, house PA.
2. Drum-sets (2): 1 acoustic w/ cymbals and 1 electronic
3. Guitar amplifiers (3)
4. Bass amplifiers (2)
5. Keyboard with amplifier
6. Food after the performance

Provided by groups:
1. Guitars
2. Basses
3. Additional percussion (e.g., cowbell, tambourine, shakers, more cowbell)
4. Excited rockstars!

If you are in need of additional equipment, contact Kevin Droe at kevin.droe@uni.edu
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DEADLINE TO APPLY: March 17, 2023
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