1. Vendors/Sponsors - They support our event by managing a tent for their entity; connect our riders with awesome brands!
2. On-Trail Support (Riding) - Riders who arrow/de-arrow and sweep ride; competent single-track riders only; often are available for the entire weekend of the event - Friday through Sunday - to pre-ride, arrow, sweep, and de-arrow. People who are available for the entire weekend will get preference.
3. Ops Support/Check-Crew Team - Backbone volunteers who support the day-before and/or day-of event; registration; parking; running an enduro check; set-up; tear-down; typically do not ride the event itself, but often participate in ADV rides the day before!
4. Safety/Road Crossings Team - These volunteers are also often the calm-under-pressure volunteers who support the day-of the event; remain "on-call" during event; man dangerous road crossings; typically do not ride the event itself, but often participate in rides the day before!
5. Trail Remediation Support - Perhaps the most important volunteers, this team supports the day after the event to hike trails to restore them; can either ride the event, or support during the event, because remediation occurs after the event.