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Family Survey - Youth Behavioral Health Needs Assessment
The Worcester County Local Management Board (also known as Worcester's Initiative to Preserve Families) is assessing youth behavioral health needs in Worcester County and Somerset County.
This survey is for parents and caregivers of youth to complete.
Your feedback will help inform schools and local agencies on what is working well and what could be improved. This information will help inform future programming.
If you have any questions or concerns please email
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to save your progress.
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Is your child/children student(s) in Worcester County or Somerset County?
Worcester County
Somerset County
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What behavioral health (mental health and/or substance use) concerns are the most pressing for our youth? (select all that apply)
Please feel free to add any other concerns in the other option.
Suicide and/or suicidal ideation
Self harm
Drinking alcohol
Other drug use
Early childhood behavioral health (6 years old and younger)
What behavioral health (mental health and/or substance use) programming and strategies are working well for our youth? (select all that apply)
Please feel free to share organizations or activities not listed in the other option.
Individual therapy
Family therapy
Support groups
Social activities
Prevention activities
School curriculum
Parent workshops
After school programs
What recommendations do you have for improving behavioral health education and services in your child’s or children's school(s)?
Your answer
Do you have any suggestions for how your child's school could improve families engagement in student behavioral health?
Your answer
Please share any additional feedback, questions or concerns here.
Your answer
Thank you for your time and input!
If you or anyone you know is in need of behavioral health support please call or text 988.
If you or anyone you know is experiencing a life threatening emergency please call 911.
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