September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance from 4:30pm-6:30pm
Looking for a fun family friendly activity? We are in need of community volunteers on, Tuesday, September 11 from 4:30pm-6:30pm! Come ready to help get fresh produce to our neighbors in need!

Location: Pittstown Farm, 150 Pittstown Rd, Pittstown, NJ 08867
Time: 4:30pm-6:30pm
Task:  TBD

All ages welcome, volunteers under 14 must be supervised by an adult.

America's Grow-a-Row holds community events where anyone (individuals, families, friends, or small groups) can sign up to participate in a harvest event. We hold multiple community days and announce them as needed.

When you fill out this form, consider yourself counted. We will ALWAYS send a confirmation email about all of the details for a pick the day before or the day of for an evening event.

Make sure to dress for the weather and to get dirty, wear closed toe sturdy shoes, bring a full water bottle and gloves (we can provide gloves if needed). Unless otherwise noted, you do not need any tools.

Thank you for taking the time to help get healthy fresh produce to those in need!
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Name *
One contact person per family or group
Email *
Personal address
Phone *
Number of volunteers attending *
Are you bringing a group?
Age of children attending
Children of all ages are welcome if accompanied by an adult!
Photo Permission *
I grant America's Grow-a-Row permission to use photos from events on their website, social media pages, in the newspaper or for year-in-review slideshows. Individual names will not be published.
Have you volunteered with AGAR before? *
Volunteer Agreement
I am aware that as a volunteer at America's Grow-a-Row I may encounter potential hazards which include but are not limited to: poison ivy, cuts, sunburn, back injury from lifting, car accidents, property damage or injury to others in car accidents, falls, bee stings, etc. I am voluntarily participating in this service with knowledge of potential hazards involved and hereby agree to accept any and all risks of injury.
I have carefully read this agreement and fully understand its contents. *
I am aware that this is a release of liability and I sign it of my own free will.
Any Questions or Comments?
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