2024 SkyRoot Farm CSA - Waiting List

THE SKYROOT CSA IS FULL!   Please Go ahead and add your name here and we'll be in touch if a spot opens up!
SkyRoot Farm is a 20-acre, certified organic, integrated vegetable farm (with 1.5 acres in veggie production) on South Whidbey Island. We would love for you to join us this season for our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program!  As a member in the CSA you will receive vegetables each week, delivered on Wednesday, plus a newsletter with recipe ideas for that week's veggies. The newsletter will also have stories from the farm and news about the wider world of sustainable agriculture.  

We offer a full size and small size share!  The contents of your CSA box will change through the season, but each week we strive to provide a diversity of items: salad greens, cooking greens, root crops, herbs, and other farm abundance (think tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, peppers, eggplant, etc.)!  The average value of the boxes are $30 or $20 respectively.  

This year we are also offering a small box  option - this will have fewer veggies each week, but could be a more manageable amount for smaller families, single people or couples.    

The 2024 CSA season will begin May 22th and run through October 30th (24 weeks).

Pricing Details:

Full share Value $720 
                 Island Residents receive an on island discount =$672

Small Share $480
                 Island Residents receive an on island discount = $432

---------------  However - if you sign up and pay half by March 30th you will receive and early bird discount. ---

EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT (sign up by March 30th)

Full share: $690
                Island residents recieve an on island discount = $644

Small share: $460
Island residents recieve an on island discount $414

If you are signing up after the start date- we will pro-rate the cost.   We'll let you know the total after you sign up based on the size you order and the number of weeks remaining in the CSA!


Pick-up locations:

The farm (Clinton, Whidbey Island)
Freeland (Whidbey Island)
Langley (Whidbey Island)
Greenlake (7400 Woodlawn Ave - Seattle)  
Ravenna (Seattle)
Wedgwood (Seattle)
University of Washington (Seattle)

As a CSA member you are making a commitment to the farm, and we are in turn making a commitment to growing vegetables for you!  CSA members get first dibs on farm favorites - like sweet corn and melons! Thank you for supporting us in doing this work we love!  We definitely want to hear from you if you have ideas for improving your experience. If you have questions about the CSA please feel free to e-mail us: wheat@skyrootfarm.com 

Checks can be sent to:
SkyRoot Farm
7297 Bailey Rd
Clinton WA 98236
We can also accept payment through PayPal; our PayPal prices have been adjusted to include processing fees.
PayPal link can be found on CSA dropdown menu at

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Contact info for spouse, housemate, etc. who would to receive e-mails about deliveries or events
Secondary e-mail #2 (optional)
Contact info for spouse, housemate, etc. who would to receive e-mails about deliveries or events
Street Address
Include apartment number if applicable
Zip Code
Phone number to contact if there is an issue with delivery
(xxx) xxx-xxxx
Is it okay for us to send texts to this number?  
What size share would you like? *
Where would you like to pick up your CSA box?  (let us know if you'd like a Langley dropsite) *
Is there anything else you want to tell us?
eg: I'd like extra kale, I'm allergic to squash, etc.
Are you a returning CSA member? 
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