WorldWE Youth Coalition Sign Up!
Welcome to World Without Exploitation’s Youth Coalition! We are so grateful that you have taken an interest in the important discussion surrounding human trafficking and sexual exploitation. We want to emphasize that you need no prior knowledge to be a part of this coalition. We hope to cover all relevant topics in our discussions, including the basics. To better understand what you already know on the subject and suit our conversations to your interests, please answer the questions below. 

Disclaimer: We are a national organization made up of young people (ages 15 - 22)  in the United States. If you are based outside the U.S. we can try to connect you to international organizations. 

If you have any questions, email
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Name *
Age *
Email *
What state and city do you live in? *
What school do you go to/alma mater? *
Which group best fits your current status? *
What is your phone number?
How much do you know about sexual exploitation and human trafficking? *
In your opinion, what is the most effective model to combat the harms of prostitution: full decriminalization, full legalization, and the Equality Model. (If you don't know now, no problem!)
What are you hoping to get out of joining the Youth Coalition? *
What do you want to learn more about? (e.i. Trafficking and sexual exploitation, how you can support the movement, how can you best advocate, etc.) *
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