2024 Teen Volunteer Interest Form
For 12 - 19 year old volunteers.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Russell Library!

Questions, or need help with the form?

Call (860) 347-2528 ext. 1161 or 1147 
Email srush@russelllibrary.org or  kidsdept@russelllibrary.org

We cannot guarantee a certain amount of hours before a certain time. If you need additional hours, please see the below options as alternatives to volunteering at Russell: 

**Please note that MPS email addresses cannot receive messages from outside organizations. Please provide a personal email for contact if possible. 
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Email *
I am: *
First Name (of teenager): *
Last Name (of teenager): *
What are your pronouns?
If you have a preferred name that is different from the name listed above, please provide it here
Phone number *
Age as of January 1st 2024 (must be between 12 - 19 years old): *
City or town you (the volunteer) live in:
What school do you attend?
Do you need the hours to be completed by a certain date? *
If you need the hours to be completed by a certain date, what is your deadline?  
Is there anything else you think we should know?
You made it to the end of the form!
Upon receiving your form, Stephanie will reach out to you via email about orientation and next steps. Thank you!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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