2024-2025 Cross Country Skiing Season Pass
Here's to great cross country skiing among the beautiful trees and fields of Adirondack Woodcraft Camps! 
Payment options: 1. Venmo Doug-Bartlett-8  and indicate the full names of all skiers on your pass/es. 2.  Send a check to Adirondack Woodcraft Camps, Box 219, Old Forge, NY 13420 and indicate the full names of the skiers on your pass/es. 3. Head to woodcraftcamps.com and click on "Book Now" and then to "Cross Country Season Pass."
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Which Pass are you interested in? *
Passholder Names: Each person on your season pass must be listed. Passes are not transferable. Nope! It does not matter if you are related :)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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