STARTER LAB is a collaborative effort to engage students in leadership and entrepreneurial experiences, and help them connect with business leaders and mentors. The goal is to ignite entrepreneurial mindset and encourage more students to apply to the Governor’s School for Entrepreneurs. To enter the competition, a high school team or individual must complete the following short application and submit a 60 second video of their business pitch idea by December 7. Each application needs a team lead and supporting teacher.

First Place | $1000
Second Place | $500
Third Place | $250

One Winner at Every School | $50

For questions regarding your application, reach out to Ryan Jones at

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Email *
Team Lead First Name *
Team Lead Last Name *
Team Lead Phone *
High School Name *
Grade *
Supporting Teacher First Name *
Supporting Teacher Last Name *
Supporting Teacher Email *
Supporting Teacher Number *
Business or Team Name *
What is your business structure? *
List the names of all team members *
Describe your business in one sentence *
Describe the problem that you're solving *
Tell us more about your product or service *
Who is your customer? *
Have you interviewed any potential customers about how to make your product or service better? If so, how many? *
How will the customer and potential customer learn more about your product or service? *
How are you going to get your product to the customer? *
Where is your customer? *
How much money will it take to produce your product? *
Check sources that will fund your business venture *
Paste link to your 60 second pitch video *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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