Registration DEEPSEA PPM & SG
Tuesday, 22nd November 2022 - 14:00

Chamber of Commerce of Venezia GIulia
Sala Desiata, piazza della Borsa 14 Trieste
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Name *
Surname *
Gender *
Email *
Type of partecipant *
PP Number
Institution name *
Country *
City *
are you joining the social dinner for 22nd evening? *
do you have any special dietary needs? *
The data provided in this form will be treated strictly confidential in compliance with the new Privacy laws that came into force on 25 May 2018 and for the sole purpose of organizing the event of the DEEPSEA project. The photographs and videos of the event may be published on websites, social media and press media for the purpose of communication and dissemination of the DEEPSEA project. With this registration I authorize the free use of the photographs, images, filming and audio / video recordings of the participants and of the environments, made during the event, for the aforementioned purposes. *
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