24/25 Pleasant Grove MS Hands4Hope Club Participation Application
Every participant is required to:
  • *Attend 80% of meetings  
  • *Participate in the Project
  • *Register on Cervis to track your volunteer hours.                                                       (Ignore $30 reg fee unless you want to volunteer for things other than our club activity.)
May choose to: donate $5 for snacks & buy a $15 club T-shirt= $20  (see club Treasurer)
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name: *
Grade in 2024 - 2025 school year: *
Email (other than school): *
Parent/Guardian Name: *
Parent/Guardian Email: *
Parent/Guardian Phone: *
Why are you interested in joining the Hands4Hope Club? *
What do you hope to gain from this club? (New friends, sense of community, etc.)
Have you been in Hands4Hope before? *
Are you interested in becoming a leader of the club? *

Those who apply to participate in the Hands4Hope Club need to be aware that every participant is required to:

Volunteer 20 hours minimum per year through H4H activities (meetings count).

Attend at least 80% of meetings and communicate absences to club Leaders.

Help plan and implement 1 service learning projects per year as a club.

Have a parent/guardian attend 1 mandatory parent meeting in the Fall (may be Zoom).

Represent Pleasant Grove and Hands4Hope in a positive manner throughout the school year (follow Hands4Hope Code of Conduct and School Policies).

As a member of Hands4Hope, I will consistently:
■ be kind to others (even people I don't like)
■ use kind words
■ be helpful and commit random acts of kindness
■ set a good example

Typing the parent and student names below indicates that the student and his or her parent(s)/guardian(s) understand the requirements and agree to abide by them.

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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