IVCSD 2020-2021 Budget Priorities Survey
The Isla Vista Community Services District is YOUR local government. We raise over $900,000 per year in taxes, paid by residents of Isla Vista through Measure R2018, to spend on improvements for the community. In honor of our vision "For Isla Vista, by Isla Vista, building the community we deserve" we are conducting this survey to get community input in how our dollars are spent.
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Do you want to sign up for regular updates from your local government? *
How long have you lived/worked in Isla Vista?
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How would you describe yourself?
What are some of the ways you think quality of life could be improved for all Isla Vista residents? *
How can we make the Isla Vista community a safer place for all?
Do you feel you have sufficient access to transportation services in Isla Vista? Outside from a school commute, what are your primary transportation needs?
What kind of community events, classes, workshops, etc would you like to see more of in IV?
We currently host things like: zumba classes, immigration workshops, salsa dancing, tutoring for kids, jazz concerts, etc
What are some ways you think the physical infrastructure of Isla Vista could be improved?
Infrastructure such as: lighting, sidewalks, bike lanes, public art, benches, trees, etc
Have you experienced a housing related dispute while living in Isla Vista? Please describe the general nature of it:
Describe the overall affordability and quality of your housing situation in Isla Vista. How easy/accessible is it to secure housing?
Would you be interested in submitting a proposal for one time projects that the IVCSD should fund next year?
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Anything else to add?
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