Booking Enquiry: Education Talks and Visits
All groups interested in a Blindside education talk or self-guided visit are requested to complete the booking form below. Given capacity limits, we may not be able to accomodate your group if you arrive unannounced.

We receive multiple education groups a day during peak periods, if you are planning to visit the gallery please confirm the date and time of your visit with us beforehand using the booking enquiry form below so we can do our best to ensure that your students have the best visit possible.

BLINDSIDE offers Education Talks online and in-gallery to visiting school and higher-education groups. Our Education Talks are open for all year levels, inviting students to develop their ability to reflect and talk about contemporary art. To expand access to our Education Program we are now also offering online Education Talks.

We offer 30min In-Gallery Talks on Wednesdays and Thursdays, during gallery hours (12-6pm), with some availability on Fridays.

If you require Talks on other days or outside of gallery hours, please mention this in the booking form below, as we may be able to accommodate your request via an online platform. Please make sure to book at least two weeks in advance.

Online Talks are subject to availability so please register your interest via the booking form.

For Education Talks Blindside asks a flat fee of $150 inc. GST to cover some of the costs of providing our Education Program.

BLINDSIDE welcomes free self-guided visits by education groups Wednesday-Saturday, 12-6pm, and provides several free downloadable resources for use during these visits (available on our education page, 'LEARN').

Bookings can be made by filling out and submitting the booking enquiry form below. After receiving your booking enquiry our Gallery Staff will be in contact to confirm your chosen date and time. Please note, we cannot guarantee your chosen date and time will be available, however will do our best to accommodate you. Please book as early in advance as you can to ensure that your preferred date and time is available.

Following confirmation of the date and time, an invoice will be forwarded and payments can be made via Electronic Fund Transfer prior to your visit.

BLINDSIDE’s Gallery Staff have valid Working With Children Checks. If you require these or other documents to comply with your school’s excursion policy, please note this in your booking enquiry or email the Gallery Coordinator at and we can forward you the relevant documents.

We look forward to your visit.
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Education Institute Name *
Teacher *
Please enter your name.
Email *
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Year Level/s
Number of Students *
The Gallery has limited capacity with regards to the number of visitors it can accomodate at one time. The Gallery Coordinator will contact you if you need to make an additional booking.
Would you like to enquire about booking an Education Talk (in-gallery or online delivery) or a self-guided Education Visit? *
Education Talks are available on Wednesdays and Thursdays, during 12-6pm, with some availability on Fridays. They are delivered by BLINDSIDE's Gallery Staff and Board Members, and cost $150 GST inclusive. Each Talk takes roughly 30 minutes. Please see the website for topics.
Preferred Date and Time *
Please note, Education Talks are available Tuesdays, and Fridays 12-6pm, and some Wednesdays and Thursdays; while Education Visits can be booked Tuesday-Saturday, 12-6pm.
Other Date and Time
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Are there any reasonable adjustments we could make to improve this visit for everyone in your education group?
Please include any other comments or requests here:
How would you describe the location of your education institute ? *
My education institute is a: *
I would like to sign up to receive email updates about BLINDSIDE’s Education Program
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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