AAJA Member News Submission Form
Use this form to submit your news for advertisement within AAJA's membership. News includes promotions, a new job, internship or fellowship, awards received, speaking engagements or elections for a non-AAJA position.

**PLEASE NOTE: Receiving an AAJA scholarship or acceptance to an AAJA program does not count, as acknowledgement will be noted on the respective program page.**

For questions, please email support@aaja.org.
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Full name: *
Email address: *
Your chapter:
Please briefly explain your member news in 250 words or less (PLEASE NOTE - information may be edited for publication): *
Any relevant links (could include articles, advertisements, etc.):
Outlet / Organization
Photo Submissions
If you would like to submit a photo to be featured in AAJA's member newsletter, please upload the photo here with the following guidelines:
  • Use the file naming convention "Submitter First Name_Submitter Last Name_Date Submitted"
    example: Mary_Kang_2024.01.06.jpg.  
  • Please format your image to 72 dpi.
  • Pixel 600 width x 300 height dimensions are preferred; portrait submissions are also welcome. 
A social link if you posted on social media (AAJA may choose to amplify your post) 
Are you a student? Please list your Journalism School handle or if you have a student chapter, your student chapter social handle. 
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