Basel Winter Arbitration School Application
Email *
Email (confirm) *
Do you wish to apply *
First name(s)  *
Family name *
Current postion and affilation (e.g. associate at Lalive, researcher at University College London) *
Year of birth *
Nationality(ies) (e.g., United Kingdom, India) *
Country of residence in February 2025 (e.g., United Kingdom, India) *
Phone number (with country code) *
Discounted rates - please select which applies to you (we will request proof)
Only if you are affiliated with the University of Basel, please select what applies to you
Explain in less than 250 words why you apply *
If you hope to attend in person and will need a visa to travel to Switzerland, please tick this box
Please confirm that if you get an offer and accept a place on the programme, you will be able to cover its costs (please apply only after securing funding, do not apply prior to that) *
Please a link to your LinkedIn profile or paste your CV as text (max 400 words) *
How did you learn about the Basel Winter Arbitration School? (please be specific, e.g., which LinkedIn group, which web-site) *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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