Performance Academy Course Application Form 2024-2027

To apply for the three year Performance Academy Certificate in Higher Education, please fill in this application form. You can ask a parent or support worker to help if you like. If you need assitance completing this form or have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us by phone on 0127 4487 390.

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What is your name? *
What is your home address? *
What is your mobile number? *
What is your e-mail addres? *
What is your date of birth? *

Please tell us the name of your parent/support worker/ advocate, their telephone number and email


How did you find out about Mind the Gap Academy?


Please tick to confirm the following is true:  


Please tell us what you are doing at the moment


Please tell us about yourself, for example your hobbies and interests, other things you have done:


Why are you interested in applying for this course?


We’d love to hear about you and your skills and experience. 



Will you need someone to come with you to audition?  


Is there anything else you need like wheelchair access, an induction loop, sign language interpreter or particular food or drink breaks?



Please tell us about someone you have worked with in the last two years. They can’t be members of your family, but could be care workers, teachers, people from theatre companies or other arts organisations. 
We will need to know the following information: name, address, mobile (or telephone) number, email address and job position.

Please confirm that you are happy with the following by ticking the boxes:

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