Study With Intention
Welcome to the Online Sociologist's "Study With Intention" Google Form.  This form is a practical tool to help you structure your study sessions, track distractions, and reflect on your productivity. It guides you through key questions about how many sessions you've completed, their content, and your goals, while providing a space to note distractions and rate your session's effectiveness. Use this form as a daily tracker to enhance your focus, understand your study patterns, and continuously improve your learning process. Your journey towards more mindful and efficient studying starts here!

Tips for Studying With Intention:
  • Organize your study session by date, the session # for that day, and the time allotted for that session.
  • Make sure study sessions are short, goal-oriented, and leave time for breaks.
  • Minimize distractions such as cell phones and websites.
  • Be mindful of distracting thoughts and write them down.  Stay focused on your goal for that session.
  • Reflect on your study session and if you were able to get everything done in the allotted time. 
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Study Plan
One helpful way to structure study sessions is to time and number them. This is usually done when people use the Pomodoro technique of studying, which calls for 25-minute study sessions with 5-minute breaks. When making your plan, it is good to list how many study sessions you have had that day to mark your improvement and growth.
How many study sessions have you completed today? (OPTIONAL)
How long do you plan on studying during this session? (Hours, Minutes) *
What do you want to accomplish in the allotted time for working or studying? *
Make sure to specify what course and topic you are studying and create SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound) around them. Such goals will help you stay focus when studying and provide a more realistic assessment of your progress.
The Study Process
Distractions *
One of the best methods to stop distractions in their tracks is to write them down. Use this space to write down these distractions and revisit them at a later point in time in order to see if they were things worth pursuing.
Reflection on Study Session
How productive was your study session? *
Were you able to accomplish everything you wanted to get done in the allotted time? Why?
Be truthful. If the answer is no, note why this is the case and how you can change your methods to better strategize your next study session.
Is there anything you can do to make sure future study sessions are more productive? (OPTIONAL)
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