Planet Homeschool Instructor Information Form for the 2024-2025 Academic Year
THIS FORM IS DUE NO LATER THAN ON FRIDAY 9 FEBRUARY 2024FILL IT OUT TODAY. If PHS doesn't receive your availability information on time, the Course Planning Team will have to move forward to schedule planning without your courses. Don't let that happen.

Planet Homeschool is a secular homeschool co-op for middle school and high school students ages 10–19 years. 
  • Our co-op needs to receive your availability information before our Course Interest Survey closes
  • This form needs to be completed only once per year. You will be emailed an edit link should you need to revise your information.
For a selected course to be entered in our online class registration system, instructors must also complete a COURSE DETAIL FORM [link pending] for each course chosen. That form must be completed no later than Friday 5 April 2024 (earlier is better) or the course will not be included on our co-op’s final course schedule. 

Dates subject to change.

Fall Semester 2024 (12 weeks | 15 hours)
Spring Semester 2025 (16 weeks | 20 hours)
QUESTIONS? If you have any questions about this form or our co-op's course selection process, please contact our co-op's lead volunteers at PLANETHOMESCHOOLMN@GMAIL.COM.
Please fill out ONE form for EACH instructor. 

The information you provide here will be used to create or update your Instructor Profile for our online class registration system. It will save our co-op's volunteers precious time and energy if you are complete and accurate. Thank you!


If you have any questions about this form or our co-op's course selection process, please contact our co-op's lead volunteers at PLANETHOMESCHOOLMN@GMAIL.COM.

A copy of your submission and a link to edit your information will be sent to the email address you enter below.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
If you use one email address for everything you may find the email address confirmation queries to be redundant, but it causes problems for our co-op’s members and instructors and a lot of work for our co-op’s volunteers when instructors forget to tell us about their other email address(es)!
What is the best email address for volunteers, parents, families, and students to contact you at? *
Learn more | I don't understand this question | required by Planet Homeschool.
Can you accept payments via PayPal? *
Learn More | I don't understand this question | Required by registration system.
The email address for your account at PayPal *
Learn More | I don't understand this question | Required by registration system.
Are you willing and able to regularly monitor email-based communications and respond to queries from volunteers, students, and their parents, guardians, and caregivers in a timely manner?   *
Learn More | I don't understand this question | Required by Planet Homeschool.
A phone number where  co-op volunteers can reach you *
Learn more | I don't understand this question | Required by Planet Homeschool.
Can co-op volunteers text you at this phone number? *
A phone number where students and their parents, guardians, or caregivers can reach you
Learn More | I don't understand this question | Recommended by Planet Homeschool.
Clear selection
Can families text you at this number?
Clear selection
What is the best way to reach you? *
  • PHS-related communication is done via EMAIL and the co-op FORUMS. 
  • Instructors are expected to keep abreast of co-op related communications
Learn more | I don't understand this question | Required by Planet Homeschool.
Instructors should learn more about teaching classes at Planet Homeschool by reading through our co-op's Information for Instructors

Co-Instructor Account Fee *
  • Co-instructor(s) may share a website account (and most do).

  • Instructors who are also co-op members will use their member account. 
  • If you wish to create separate website accounts, there is a single $10 annual fee for each additional account. This is an annual fee. It is not per course and not per semester.

  • You can always add a separate website account at any time during the academic year should you decide later that it would be useful, but once bought and paid for, Planet Homeschool cannot get a refund for the additional account, so PHS cannot offer you a refund should you find you don't need or use it.

  • Website accounts are needed to access your class roster(s), class home page(s), class forum(s), class assignments (if using), calendar event details, the instructor forum, other co-op forums, etc.

  • The Account signup form is designed for members not instructors so requires some interpretation. (You may delete the entire Children section.)

Planet Homeschool is a homeschool co-op, not a school *
Learn more | I don’t understand this question | Required by Planet Homeschool.
Professional Liability Insurance *
Learn more | I don’t understand this question | Required by Planet Homeschool.
Refund Policy *
Learn more | I don’t understand this question | Required by Planet Homeschool.
Your refund policy for late cancellation requests *
  • This is for cancellations made after your Payment Due Date

  • The options below are only SUGGESTIONS based on prior submissions. You may WRITE YOUR OWN CUSTOM policy. 

  • Your policy should apply to all of your classes at PHS (but you may customize for a particular class if necessary).

  • Current Instructor Refund Policies

Learn more | I don’t understand this question | Required by Planet Homeschool
Additional information about your late cancellation refund policy
PHS has not yet set an official policy for 2024-2025.
  1. You understand what our co-op's COVID-19 Policies currently are.
  2. You are willing to follow our co-op's COVID-19 Policies.
  3. You are willing to help your students remember to follow our co-op's COVID-19 Policies. (Families must also agree to follow these policies when renewing their co-op memberships.)
  4. That you have a plan should you ever be too sick to teach your class.
Background Check *
Do you authorize Minnesota Secular Homeschool Enrichment dba Planet Homeschool to investigate your background, references, character, past employment, consumer reports, education, and criminal history record information which may be in any state or local files?

Required by Planet Homeschool.
Co-instructors *
Are you teaching this course alone or as part of a team?
  • Each instructor must complete this form
  • Each instructor will have their own instructor profile on our website with their own contact information, photo, and bio.
Your first name *
As you wish it to appear in your course listings: For example, Deborah, Debbie, Deb, etc.
Your last name *
The name on your account with PayPal *
The account name on your Homeschool-Life-generated tuition invoices must match the name on your account with PayPal.

Learn more | I don’t understand this question | Required by registration system.
Honorific (if any)
LEAVE BLANK if you prefer to not use an honorific.
Learn more | I don’t understand this question | OPTIONAL (and not common)
How do you prefer to be addressed by students, their parents, guardians, and caregivers, and co-op volunteers? *
For example, Dr. Brown, Dr. Jane, Ms. Jane, James, Jim, Jimmy, Coach, Professor, etc. 
  • Current Instructor Profiles 
  • Preferred form of address is only displayed to logged in members (and instructors) in the instructor detail view, so log in and click on your name to see your current preferred form of address.
Learn more | I don’t understand this question | Required by Planet Homeschool
Your pronouns
  • Current Instructor Profiles 
  • Pronouns are only displayed to logged in members (and instructors) in the instructor detail view, so log in and click on your name to see your current pronouns.
Learn more | I don’t understand this question | OPTIONAL but recommended
Your Instructor Bio *
Your instructor bio is often the first introduction that students will have to you — as an educator, as a subject matter expert, and as a person. Students will appreciate a brief overview of your teaching philosophy and style, your experience with and interest in the subject(s) being taught (Why is your course content exciting to you?), a short summary of your prior teaching experience, and personal information such as your hobbies, pets, favorite mythical beast, and family.
  • If you are a current or returning instructor and your bio does not need revision, enter "USE CURRENT BIO" below.

    Please check your bio to ensure it does not need revision first. 

    In particular, check any ages or times periods stated and ask yourself, “How many years will it be next year?” — and maybe rephrase as "since 2003" or "in 2003" instead of saying “20 years".

  • If you were not ready for this question, you may revise your bio at any time.

    You will receive an email confirmation with an edit link for this form

    You may send revision requests via email to

  • Please write your bio in the third person and start with your full name: 

    Carl Sagan is an astronomer, planetary scientist, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, author, and science communicator best known for his scientific research on the possibility of extraterrestrial life.

Learn more | I don’t understand this question | Required by Planet Homeschool

Your organization's name (if applicable)
LEAVE BLANK if you are not associated with an organization or business or do not wish your organization or business to be included in your PHS instructor profile.
This will be included at the bottom of your instructor profile — you may also incorporate your organization's name into your bio.

Your organization's website (if applicable)
LEAVE BLANK if you are not associated with an organization or business or do not wish your organization or business to be linked to from your PHS instructor profile.
This will be included at the bottom of your instructor profile — if you incorporated your organization's name into your bio, then our co-op’s volunteers will add the link there instead.

Your instructor headshot.
  • Current Instructor Profiles
  • Headshots are only displayed to the instructor's detail view so click on your name to see your current headshot.
Email new headshots to

Clear selection
Which semesters are you available to teach?
  • Fall Semester is 12 weeks or 15 hours, September–December.
  • Spring Semester is 16 weeks or 20 hours, January–May.
Workable but not preferred
Not an option
Fall Semester
Spring Semester
Clear selection
Are you available to teach for the full semester?
Instructors who will have a scheduled absence during the semester (other than PHS vacation days) should have a plan to keep students learning and to ensure students have adult supervision in the classroom during their absence.
Learn more | I don't understand this question.

Scheduled Makeup Day *
Which class periods are you available to teach?
  1. First Period: 9:15 AM–10:30 AM (1 hour, 15 minutes)
  2. Second Period: 10:35 AM–11:50 AM (1 hour, 15 minutes)
  3. Third Period: 12:30 PM–1:45 PM (1 hour, 15 minutes)
  4. Fourth Period: 1:50 PM–3:05 PM (1 hour, 15 minutes)
  5. Fifth Period: 3:15 PM–4:30 PM (1 hour, 15 minutes)
  • If you need more than 5 minutes for setup, you should plan on teaching either first or third periods. 
  • If you need more than 5 minutes for cleanup, you should plan on teaching either second or fourth periods. 
  • If you need more than 5 minutes for both setup and cleanup, you should let our co-op’s Lead Volunteers know in the Additional information field below.
Acceptable / Workable
Not an option
First Period
Second Period
Third Period
Fourth Period
Fifth Period
Clear selection
How many courses would you prefer to teach for each semester?
  • Fall Semester is 12 weeks or 15 hours, September–December.
  • Spring Semester is 16 weeks or 20 hours, January–May.
1 course
up to 2 courses
up to 3 courses
up to 4 courses
up to 5 courses
Clear selection
Many of our members have expressed an interest in continuing with online classes, so it is our co-op's plan to continue to offer a mix of in-person and online classes.
  • Online classes are scheduled on days other than Fridays
  • Online classes will not be able to transition to in-person as space will not be available.
While it is possible that unavoidable circumstances, such as a worsening COVID-19 pandemic, could force the co-op to cancel all in-person classes (transitioning them online if possible), we do not anticipate that happening.
Are you willing to teach online? *
If you are willing to teach online, which days of the week are you available to do so?
Do you have access to a reliable and fast Internet connection? *
Do you have the technology and know how to successfully run an online course? *
Other information related to online offerings.
Is there anything else you want co-op volunteers to know?
You will (1) see a confirmation message and (2) receive a confirmation email from Google Forms <> with an Edit link after you click the SUBMIT button below.

If you using the same email address for your co-instructors, Google provides only one functioning Edit link per email address.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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