Volunteer Form 
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Rocky Mountain Equality! This form is your first step in volunteering. The questions in section 1 are required so that we know who you are, how to contact you, and what kind of volunteering you're interested in. The demographic questions at the end are for grant reporting. That information will be used anonymously. 

I will reach out to schedule a quick intake conversation (either over the phone or as part of a tour of our community center) just to get to know you better and so you can know more about us. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at davis@rmequality.org or call my cell 910-890-5874
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Email *
Full Name *
Does not have to be your legal name
If you are a parent or guardian signing up for a minor, please leave the minor's name, age, and pronouns 
If you are volunteering as part of a group or organization, please enter it here
How often would you like to see emails about REMQ volunteer opportunities? (Frequency of emails varies throughout the year) *
Date of Birth *
Phone Number *
Pronouns *
You may select more than one answer. What pronouns do you use?
What volunteer opportunities would you prefer to hear about? (Check out "Our Work" on our website to know more about our programs) *
What areas are you able to volunteer in? *
Willing/Able to travel outside your city? *
What skills do you bring to the team?
We sometimes need help with things involving administration, graphic design, group leadership, web design or tech-based skills, etc.
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