Transformations Conference 2023 in Prague  
Dietary requirements and an optional social programme
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Name and surname

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Days of participation in the conference *
If you plan to attend only some days, please specify (12th, 13th, 14th)
Dietary requirements *
Social programme - the formal part
We would like to invite you to join some social activities during the Transformations Conference 2023. You can take part in a guided tour of the Prague centre (the historical part of the city - with a focus on its transformation throughout the centuries). We would spend the first evening in a lovely location with a glass of wine and small refreshments.

The conference fee will cover these activities.
1. Guided tour - in the afternoons
You can register for one guided tour. The tour will take place after lunch, and it will take 1.5-2 hours. If you are interested, please choose a day (it is the same tour every day).

The cost is covered by the conference fee.
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2. A shared evening with a glass of wine  - 12/7 *
On the first evening, we would like to invite you to a reception where we offer a glass of wine and small refreshments in the beautiful garden of Vila Lanna (a hotel of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague 6).
Would you like to participate?
Social programme - the informal part (Thursday evening)
We would like to take the opportunity to spend some time together in a more informal setting - having discussions, chatting and relaxing at the end of the day in some pleasant locations that Prague has to offer.
We are considering going to some of the following places:
Na Výstavišti ( - a BBQ planing in the Stromovka park
Manifesto Market - Manifesto Market - Hospitality concept for food, drink and cultural experiences

This activity is not covered by the conference fee. 
Are you interested in spending the Thursday evening together? 
Your responses will give us better idea of whether we should go to one place together or create more groups.
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