Member Event / Comms Request
Thank you so much for hosting a MHC NorCal Club event! We want your event to be successful, so please read this form carefully to ensure the Club is equipped to best support you. Board members and others familiar with our event process can skip ahead to the questions.
  • If you're extending a more casual invitation for alums to join you somewhere (e.g., meet up at a market, go see a show), you're welcome to fill out this form, but you aren't required to do so. You can find more information on our website about informal inviting our alum community.
  • If your event is in the brainstorming stages, you may find it more helpful to email us and have a discussion with a Board member before filling out this form.
  • If you're not sure if your event would be a good fit for the Club, check out these examples of past events and our list of event ideas, or email us.
What we ask of you:
  • Submit this form at least one month (four weeks) in advance of your event date. If your event is sooner but you're only looking for the Club to promote your event on social media and you already have a graphic for us to share, we may be able to accommodate your request. Otherwise, event submissions with less than one month's notice cannot be accommodated at this time and will not receive a response.
  • Allow us up to one week to confirm our ability to support the event and to reach out with any additional questions. Please email us if you haven't heard back after 7 days and would like to check in! If you'd like to modify your form submission, please directly edit your response — check your confirmation email for the link if you're not seeing it on this Google Forms page.
  • Understand that the Club is an all-volunteer organization, and our capacity is limited by the personal availability of the Board member(s) monitoring our accounts and forms. If you have a question, we ask that you look around our website, particularly our FAQ, before reaching out.
  • Be communicative and responsive, with the Board and (if applicable) with prospective/registered event attendees.
  • If possible, take photos to share with us! These pictures may be used in our newsletter or posted to our social media and website; see the image policy on our website.
What we can provide:
  • General support with event logistics and planning (e.g., deciding on an event day and time, finding an event space)
  • Promotion of your event on our social media channels 
  • Promotion of your event in our Club-wide newsletter (availability varies as this is sent quarterly)
  • Registration page setup using Open Collective for in-person events or Zoom for virtual and hybrid events (click on the service name to view an example)
  • Partial or full reimbursement for paid events (pending discussion with the Board and approval by our treasurer)
Questions? Our website likely has the information you're seeking. On it, you can learn more about member-led events and find answers to frequently asked questions.

If you don't have a specific event you'd like to lead but do have access to a space (e.g., at your home, office, or community center) where you'd be willing to host a Club event, please fill out this form instead.
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Email *
Your name *
Class year *
Can we share your email address in our newsletter?
Your email will be included in our alum-only newsletter, but will not be posted to our publicly viewable website.

If you don't wish for us to share your email in our newsletter, we can direct people to the Club email, but there will be a delay in communications as that account is not always monitored.
Event name *
Event date *
Event start time *
Event end time *
Event type *
Event location *
By default, home addresses won't be shared in our newsletters, event pages, and social media posts, but we'll publicly include your first name, last name/initial, class year, and city/zip code. Let us know if you'd like your information to be displayed in a certain way, and we'll do our best to accommodate your request.
Event description (long)
Please describe your event for the event page and/or newsletter (typically 1-2 paragraphs, but longer is fine!). You can include any relevant link(s) here or in the final question of this form.

Event description (short)
Please describe your event for social media. If your previous event description was on the shorter side (200-250 words or fewer), you can skip this question!

Communication coverage (check all that apply)
Please note that we may not be able to include your event in a Club-wide email blast, as we've shifted to a quarterly newsletter.

If desired, you may directly post your event to our private, alum-only Facebook and LinkedIn groups. Events in the Bay Area can be posted the the "Welcome to the Bay" group on The Gates (run by the Peninsula Club), and you can reach out to the MHC Pen Club if you'd like for them to promote your event in their newsletter and on their social media.
Registration / RSVP method
Event registration will be through Open Collective for in-person events or through Zoom for virtual and hybrid events (click on the service name to view an example). Please note that both Open Collective and Zoom registrations (option 1, option 2, option 3) are theoretically publicly accessible, though we will do our best to make it clear throughout the event page and RSVP process if an event is alum-only. When we've done so, we haven't had issues with non-MHC attendees. Unless you request otherwise, we will set up Open Collective events (option 2, option 3) so that addresses are automatically emailed upon registration. This isn't a fully secure method as signups aren't technically restricted to alums. (The Alum Association doesn't provide us with a way to set up alum-only events.)

If you'd like to be extra careful with your personal information, we can add you as an event page admin so you'll be notified when people register and have access to their contact information (option 3). An alternative if you'd like to vet each attendee to make sure they're an alum is to have people reach out to you directly with their RSVP (option 4); for this option, we will display your email publicly (at minimum in our alum-only newsletter, and ideally also in the event graphic we post to social media and our website). If you select either of these (option 3, option 4), you will be responsible for monitoring registrations, contacting registrants, and sending us attendee names and emails post-event!
Whom is this event for? *
Visit our website for more information about membership and Club affiliation.
Maximum number of attendees *
A ballpark figure is fine! You can clarify any attendance restrictions at the end of this form.
Event graphic
Please go through the below checklist before pasting the link to the promotional image you'd like us to use! (You may share more than one.)
  1. Are the image dimensions at least 1080px by 1080px? (Square graphics are ideal; you can view examples on our Instagram page.)
  2. Does the graphic include the event name, date and time, and location? (Optional: host name and class year; brief event description; space for the registration link, e.g.,
  3. Is the link to your graphic publicly viewable or shared with
While creating an event graphic is not required, doing so will expedite social media post(s) for your event. We recommend using Canva so we can easily edit and add to your design. If you're unfamiliar with that platform, check out this beginner's guide. Alternatively, you can create your design in a program of your choice and upload your image(s) to Google Drive.

If you don't have an event graphic, we can create one for you, but this will delay our promotion of your event. Please confirm your understanding of this limitation below if you aren't including an event graphic.
Anything else?
Let us know about any additional details (e.g., relevant links, attendance restrictions, nearby public transit, parking information, ADA accessibility, estimated cost).
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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