Spanish for Veterinary Professionals Course Registration
Please fill this out and we'll get back to you in a few days. If you don't hear from us, please check your junk mail folder. Thank you!
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Email *
First and Last name *
My profession is
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Do you have a discount code? If so, enter it below:
My Spanish level is *
I am interested in *
My preferred class size is: *
I would like to join a class of two:
(If you're looking for a classmate, please join our FB group!)
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My time zone is *
I would like to start
I can do classes *
The following days work best for me:
My preferred class times are:
I heard about Spanish for Vet Pros from: *
I would like to have homework as part of my courses. (The homework would never be more than 30 minutes per class.)
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