TODT 2022 - Volunteer Application
This form is for individuals who would like to volunteer by directing patrons or handing out bites at participating restaurants. All volunteers will be fed and receive a special goody.
Second Annual Taste of Downtown Cleburne: Saturday, September 24, 2022 from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.
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Email *
Please enter your full name: *
Please enter your email: *
Please enter your phone number: *
What would you most like to do at TODT? *
Feel free to select multiple!
Which shift are you available for at TODT? *
Feel free to select multiple!
Would you like the organizer to sign off on your volunteer hours? *
Please select "Yes" if you would like to use these hours for school related volunteer hours.
Do you understand you will need to communicate with participants and/or food vendors? *
Do you understand if at any time you have an issue with a food vendor or participant you need to report it to Nealie Sanchez directly at your earliest possible convenience? *
If an issues arrises between you or a vendor/participant please report it to us as soon as possible.
How did you hear about this event *
Please enter any questions or comments you need answered by Nealie here:
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