Registration: Learn to Skate/Learn to Play

Learn to Skate / Learn to Play:

This class is designed for students who are looking to learn the basics of playing hockey. The first half of each class focuses on skating skills and edge work, and during the second half students work on stick and puck handling.

Required Equipment:

     1. Students are required to wear a helmet during class.

     2. Students must supply their own skates. Recommended skates and where to purchase *coming soon*

     3. Students are required to bring their own hockey stick. 

Cost: $385 per 10 week session

Payments are non-refundable unless CSA cancels class.  All classes must be paid in full at time of registration.  All classes are filled on a first come, first served policy.  I acknowledge that Ice skating can be a dangerous sport and my (my child’s) participation is at my own risk.  I release, indemnify, and hold harmless CSA from any claims, damages and injuries that may result from participation in activities at CSA. 

Payment is accepted through Venmo, cash, or check. The Center Skating Academy Venmo: @center-skating

 No class  11/27-11/30, 12/25-1/1

*Annual Learn to Skate USA registration fee is $30*

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Learn to Skate & Learn to Play Sessions
Captionless Image
Session 1: 9/4 - 11/9
Session 2: 11/13 - 2/1
Session 3: 2/5 - 4/19
Session 4: 4/26 - 6/28
Participant Name *
Date of Birth *
E-mail (your registration confirmation will go to this email address) *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Phone number *
Select Payment Type *
 I understand CSA may use any photos or videos for future marketing and use on social media by CSA. *
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