ALL Ladino Lounge
Every Tuesday at 1:30pm Eastern Time / Kada martes a la 1:30pm Ora del Este

Join the American Ladino League for weekly conversation in our informal Ladino Lounge. The first twenty minutes of each session will be exclusively dedicated to beginners of the language, who are welcome to remain for the rest of the hour for more advanced conversation. The Ladino Lounge is not a structured class but rather a free opportunity to use the language and meet others interested in doing so as well. Adjuntadvos a la Liga Amerikana del Ladino para muestro moabet semanal en muestro salon informal de ladino. Los primeros vente puntos de kada sesion se dedikan ekslusivamente a los prinsipiantes de la lingua, ken pueden kedarsen para el kusur de la ora para moabet mas avanzado. El salon de ladino no se estruktura komo una klasa sino una oportunita debaldes para uzar la lingua i konoser a otros interesados en uzarla tambien.
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What is your level in speaking Ladino? Kual es tu nivel de avlar ladino?
Do you have any goals in participating in the Ladino Lounge? Tienes algunos butos al partisipar en el salon de ladino?
Comments or questions? Komentarios o demandas?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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