Pro Bono Students Canada 2024/2025 Volunteer Application Form  
This form is designed to collect your information and preferences to match you with a volunteer opportunity that aligns with your interests and skills. Please fill out all fields. We look forward to your participation in making a positive impact in our community!
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Please provide your name *
What is your Queen's U email address?
Please provide your year of study.
Please select the role/roles you are applying for on PBSC. (you can select both)
Please select 5 projects of interest.
Rank your selected projects from greatest to least interest. (First choice)
Rank your selected projects from greatest to least interest. (Second choice)
Rank your selected projects from greatest to least interest. (Third choice)
Rank your selected projects from greatest to least interest. (Fourth choice)
Rank your selected projects from greatest to least interest. (Fifth choice)
Describe the skills, experiences, and passions that you would bring to Pro Bono Students Canada. Please list any relevant volunteer and work experiences within your answer. (Max 300 Words)
Why is Pro Bono important to you? (Max 150 Words)
Are you willing to devote up to 5 hours a week (on average), excluding exam season, to your PBSC project? Please consider your other commitments before answering.
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