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Thanks for expressing interest in C3 products!
You were shopping on but something was wrong with the website? Let us know!
Missing products and/or colour options are probably not a mistake
. Due to warehousing constraints, intentionally does not have the same "full catalogue" as the main website
NOTE: This is
a customer service contact form. If you have other questions, for instance about your order or about our products, please email
Sorry for any inconvenience and thanks for your understanding! We do appreciate the feedback
* Indicates required question
Your answer
(If you're ok with our website guy following up with you. If you don't want to be contacted, you can type NA)
Your answer
Webpage you on that you think is malfunctioning
Please paste the URL. Example ""
Your answer
Description of the glitch/problem you noticed
Please be as specific as possible. Please check if the glitch is reproducible
Good example "
I selected Tall risers for my 2021 CRF450R and I added Rubber Kills, but the Rubber Kills did not appear in my cart
" ✅
BAD example "
this page doesn't work
" ❌
Good example "
I selected Tall risers for my 2021 CRF450R and I added Rubber Kills. The webpage showed $111.55 USD total cost, but once I added to cart, the cost for the Rubber Kills was $401.18
" ✅
BAD example "
it charged me too much
" ❌
Good example "
The "click here to learn more in a new tab" for Rubber Kills takes me to the page instead of the page
" ✅
BAD example "
the link was broken
" ❌
Your answer
What device / browser were you using?
Example: "Safari on Macbook" or "Chrome on Samsung phone"
Your answer
Anything else you want to share?
Thanks and have a great day
Your answer
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