Conversation on the State of Church Ministry Registration Form 9.27.2024

You are invited to share this lunch-time conversation with fellow pastors in the Atlanta area on Friday, September 27th, 12:00pm at Catalyst Center (1854 Shackleford Ct, Suite 300 Norcross, GA). This event is hosted by Innovative Space for Asian American Christianity (ISAAC), in partnership with Grace Mission University and Catalyst Wellness Alliance.

We believe it is crucial to hear directly from the Asian American pastors in the ministry when planning a cohort-based program for 2025.   To serve and reflect the needs of the local church, we desire to learn and listen from Atlanta pastors like you. During this listening session, we will start with two simple questions:

1.  What challenges do you face in ministry?

2.  What do you need to thrive in your ministry? We would love your input, ideas, and feedback! Please RSVP by filling out this form by Friday, September 20th. If any questions or comments, please contact Diana at

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What is your First and Last Name?
What is your email address?
What is your phone number?
What is the name of your church?
What is your current ministry position/title?
What is your denomination? 
Which event will you plan to attend?
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