Story Protocol Alpha Hackathon
We invite you to join us to celebrate Story Protocol's Alpha Launch with a weekend of building! Stipends will be offered to all participants for their attendance, and the top three teams will receive prizes.

Investors from a16z and other firms will be judges, and our engineering team will be on-site to support the experience. Food, drinks, and ample snacks will be provided!

Date: December 8 - 10th
Location: San Francisco area.

PLEASE NOTE: This is an in-person Hackathon. Rules, prizes and code of conduct will be updated to registered participants. For more details, please see our Notion page:
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What are your skills? E.g. Languages, databases, frameworks, APIs and other tools. *
Do you have teammates? (3 to 5 per team). If so, list their first and last name followed by a comma per teammate. If not, reply "NA".
What is your T-shirt size? *
Share your Telegram ID to be added to the event group *
Share your LinkedIn url, or Twitter profile url if you don't have a LinkedIn, *
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