Volunteer Self-Report Form
Use this form to report time spent volunteering as a member of the Friends of the Fulton Public Library.  Volunteering includes time spent working for library events as well as time spent in service of the FOFPL organization.  Information will be used in aggregate form only for tracking volunteer hours.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Date of Volunteer Work *
Nature of Volunteer Work  *
Check only one.  Submit an additional form if reporting more than one type of volunteer activity.  

Meetings - includes time spent at board, committee and trustee meetings
Administrative - includes meeting prep,  correspondence, reports, documents, financial activities, data tracking
Media/PR - includes press releases, social media, web site, community outreach, advocacy
Library Event - includes preparation, working at event, set-up and tear-down for FPL or FOFPL event
Time Spent on Activity *
Round off to nearest quarter hour.
Details (Optional)
Feel free to provide any details of your activity here.  This is not required information.
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