October Evangelisation Conference, Cardiff
St David's Catholic Sixth Form College
Ty Gwyn Road
Penylan, Cardiff
CF23 5QD

Contact Madeline at 029 2036 5965 or madeline.page@rcadc.org with any queries.
If you are unable to use this form please contact Madeline and she will send you a copy via email or post.

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Conference Information
The Cardiff Conference takes place on Saturday 21 October 2017, 9.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.

By completing this form, you are committing to attend the conference, and pay £15 (payable to “Archdiocese of Cardiff”) towards the costs of the day, including lunch (usually your parish will cover the cost).

You also commit to inform the Archdiocese of Cardiff immediately if you cannot take your place.

PLEASE NOTE: The Archdiocese of Cardiff reserves the right to alter or cancel the programme due to unforeseen circumstances.

Please visit https://rcadc.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Evangelisation-Conference-Leaflet-final.pdf to view the leaflet outlining the different 'track' options.
Name *
Email address
Phone number
Special dietary requirements *
Are you part of a religious or lay organisation?
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If yes, what is the name of the organisation/community?
Which parish are you from?
Which 'track' would you like to attend? (info in link at the top) *
How did you hear about this event? *
Comments and/or questions
A person’s Religious Affiliation is considered “sensitive” data under UK Data Protection laws. By ticking this box, you consent to the Archdiocese of Cardiff holding your contact details for activities associated with evangelisation. *
Event Fee
There is a £15 fee that covers lunch and other expenses of the day. Normally, this will be covered by your parish. However, if your parish is unable to do so and financing the conference would be difficult for you then please get in touch with Madeline using the contact details at the top of this form.
By ticking this box, you confirm that you would like to attend the Archdiocese of Cardiff's Evangelisation Conference and commit to paying the £15 booking fee. *
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