Volunteer Sign-up for Age-Friendly Louisville
Join us in shaping the future of Age-Friendly Louisville! Our program is going on to an exciting new strategic planning phase for 2024-2027, and we're eager to have your involvement. Our workgroups started meeting in February 2024 again, shaping our action plan and offering you the opportunity to make a meaningful impact.

By volunteering with us, you'll contribute to creating a more inclusive and accessible Louisville for residents of all ages. Sign up now and be part of this important initiative as we work together to enhance the quality of life for everyone in our vibrant city.

Please fill out the below information and state your domain interests.

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Email *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Phone Number:
Industry, if applicable:
Organization, if applicable:
Which Age-Friendly domains/topics would you like to contribute to and to learn more about?

General Workgroup Schedule*
For the near future, all workgroups will convene at the Edison Center at Louisville Metro Resilience and Community Services, 1st Floor Conference Room, 701 W Ormsby Ave, Louisville, KY 40203, USA.

*Check agefriendlylou.com for updates, as workgroup schedules may change.

Social Inclusion
The 2nd Tuesday of every month, 2 - 3:30 PM

Outdoor Enhancement 
The 4th Tuesday of every month, 2 - 3:30 PM

The 1st Wednesday of every month, 2 - 3:30 PM
I would like to join this group as a volunteer
I am interested in co-facilitating a future committee within the domain
Social Inclusion (e.g. Intergenerational mentoring, pen pal program, Black History Event, Veteran Event)
Outdoor Space Enhancement (e.g. Walkability, beautification, and accessibility)
Housing (e.g. Advocacy for housing alternatives such accessory dwelling units, missing middle housing, Aging in Place initiatives)
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