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Are you *
Age *
(Choose from the list below)
Country of Origin? *
(Choose from the list below)
Country in which you reside? *
(Or country in which you most often perform, choose from the list below)
Instrument *
1. Position within the Orchestra
(Please choose whichever option best describe your position)
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2. Who are you?
(Choose which ever options best apply)
3. Where do you perform MOST often?
(Please choose one)
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4. How often do you perform during the year?
(Choose one)
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5. Currently or in the past has your ability to perform music been affected by physical injury or health issues?
(Choose all that)
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6. In general, would you say your health is?
(Choose one)
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7. How TRUE or FALSE is each of the following statements for you?
(Choose one answer for each statement)
Definitely false
Mostly false
Don't know
Mostly true
Definitely true
My health is excellent
I am as healthy as anybody I know
I seem to get sick a little easier than other people
I expect my health to get worse
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8. Compared to a year ago, how would you rate your health in general now?
(Choose one)
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9. How often would you say you engage in physical exercise?
(Please select which ever answer best describes you)
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10. If you experience performance anxiety, do you believe it negatively affects your performance quality?
(Choose one)
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11. How old were you when you first experienced performance anxiety?
(Choose from the list below)
12. In what scenarios do you feel the most anxiety about performing music?
10 being scenarios in which you feel most anxious. 1 being scenarios with little to no anxiety.
Solo Performances/Concertos
Orchestra Performances
Exposed Passages
Chamber Music
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13. How would you rate your overall performance anxiety on a scale from 1 - 10.
(10 being severe performance anxiety)
No anxiety about performing
Severe anxiety about performing
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14. What are some of the symptoms related to your performance anxiety?
(Choose all that apply)
15. What, in your opinion, are the biggest contributing factors to any performance anxiety you might feel.
This question is designed to identify where the biggest factors of stress are found. (Please select between 1 - 10. 10 being the highest impact and 1 being little to no impact)
Pressure from yourself
Pressure from family
Pressure from teachers
Pressure from peers or colleagues
Pressure from Conductors
Concern about audience reaction
Concern about memorization
Concern about technical ability
Previous performance experiences
Physical Injury
Inability to manage physical side effects of pressure (i.e. shaking, sweating, etc)
Insufficient Preparation
Instrument Malfuction
Environmental Issues (acoustics, temp, etc.)
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16. Treatments you've tried and found to be effective for performance anxiety
(Please select responses based on treatments specifically for performance anxiety)
I have not tried this
Tried, and not effective
Tried, and somewhat effective
Tried, and very effective
Illicit drugs
Alexander technique
Performance psychology
Psychological therapy
Physical Exercise
Breathing Exercises
Dietary changes
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17. How did you first hear about beta-blockers?
(Choose all that apply)
18. Have you ever used beta-blockers for performance anxiety?
19. If you answered YES to question 18. Did you consult a health professional to obtain a prescription before trying beta-blockers?
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20. If you answered YES to question 18. In what scenarios might you use a beta-blocker?
(Check all that apply)
21. Which of these answers best describes your most current use?
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22. Which of the following answers best describes your feeling about beta-blockers?
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23. Have you ever used alcohol for performance anxiety?
24. If you answered YES to question 23. In what scenarios might you use alcohol?
(Check all that apply)
25. Which of these answers best describes your most current use of alcohol for performance anxiety?
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26. When do you think musicians should be educated about the strategies which address performance anxiety?
(Please select all that apply)
27. How common would you say conversations are regarding performance anxiety?
(Please select whichever answer is best suited for each group)
On a regular basis
Amongst friends
Amongst colleagues
In educational settings
In professional settings
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28. Do you believe having conversations surrounding performance anxiety should be more common?
(Please select whichever answer best describes your thoughts)
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Please use this section for any additional comments on this subject or to expand on any of your answers given above.
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