Friend in Me Volunteer Interest Form
Please fill this Google form out if you are interested in volunteering for Friend in Me and are between the ages of 8 to 18. Thank you!
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What time zone do you live in? *
Name (first and last) *
Phone number *
Preferred Pronouns *
Age (8 to 18) *
School *
Grade *
Do you have a preference with what age/gender you work with? *
Some of our buddies like to play games like Roblox and Minecraft, do you have the capabilities to do so? Not required, if you are unable it is not an issue *
How did you find out about us? *
We want to make sure we pair you with buddies that have similar interests. Please list some activities + interests you have that you would like us to know *
Anything else we should know about you?
This is the link to the volunteer training video and short quiz to make sure your understand everything. Please watch the video and answer the qestions that go with it.  *
Thanks for signing up to volunteer with us! We will reach out to you within 2-4 business days. 
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