SemiFinal 2 - Eurovision 2023 - Sontag Dalton Camp Survey

Welcome to the Eurovision 2023 Camp Index, Semifinal 2!

The questions here are adapted from Susan Sontag's article Notes on Camp, which lovingly tried to define exactly what camp was in 1964.

The survey will take about 2-3 minutes to complete. The goal is to see if songs with a high "camp ranking" place well at Eurovision.

NB: in English the word camp can have a few meanings. Camp here is used to describe taste/aesthetic, not sexual preference.

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Eurovision 2023 - Semifinal 2

Which country would you like to give feedback for?
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This act feels exaggerated.
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I am drawn to this ESC act, but also (even slightly) offended by it.
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This act feels both serious and frivolous.
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There is a high level or artifice (theater, strong visual aesthetic) in this act.
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This act understands that "being means playing a role; life is theater".
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This act feels earnest and honest to me: serious about what they are trying to do-- it has a kind of innocence.
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This act feels very ambitious and/or extravagant.
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I think this act sees itself as a serious ESC act, but it's a bit too much.
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There's a big sense of fantasy in this act.
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These artists are "characters"-- I get a very strong and/or concentrated idea of who they are.
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The main singer/s demonstrate an "ultrafeminine" or "ultramasculine" sexuality.

Notes / examples: It is possible for a woman (cisgender female) to demonstrate either ultrafeminine sexuality OR ultramasculine sexuality. ... The same is possible for male (cisgender male) performers. ... The same is possible for nonbinary performers.
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This act feels playful and antiserious.
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I don't think this act cares about trying to be refined, or in "good taste".
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This act isn't mean or cynical.
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To take the survey for SemiFinal 1, CLICK HERE!

To take the survey for the Big Five, CLICK HERE!

You can see the results here, OR in the May 12th Edition of Eurovision Song Context Podcast!

You can see the responses here (by clicking "responses" top centre of page), OR by tuning into the May 12th Edition of Eurovision Song Context Podcast!
Who Was Susan Sontag?
Susan Sontag (1933-2004) was an American academic, philosopher, activist and LGBTQ+ icon. This quiz was based on her brilliant short essay, Notes on Camp, which can be found HERE.
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