33-Day Consecration to St Joseph [Open to all]
Starting 20th July 2021
Consecration Day on 21st August 2021 with Mass in Church of Divine Mercy at 8am [To be confirmed]
Registration fee of $12 for online sessions via Zoom. Registration fee covers the 33SJ book and notes.
When your registration is confirmed, please pay at the CDM Parish Office during its operating hours to pick up the book by 20th July 2021. [Please bring exact change. Of course you're welcomed to make a love offering to CDM if you wish.]
Weekly sessions via Zoom from 8pm-9.30pm will be held as follows:
20th July Tuesday: Introduction and Day 1
27th July Tuesday: Covering Days 2-8
3rd August Tuesday: Covering Days 9-15
10th August Tuesday: Covering Days 16-22
17th August Tuesday: Covering Days 23-29
20th August Friday: Covering Days 30-33
21st August Saturday: Consecration Day 8am Mass at Church of Divine Mercy subject to confirmation.
Structure of the Group Meetings
1. Opening hymn / prayer followed by slide presentation of key learning points followed by Q&A to clarify anything we don't understand from our readings. [8pm-8.30pm]
2. Then we break up into separate small discussion groups [8.30pm-9.10pm] to buzz on a couple of reflection / discussion questions. [For those who sign up as a married couple, please let us know so we can group the married couples together. Otherwise, we will have separate groups for men and for women.]
3. [9.10pm – 9.30pm] Each group share one-two key learnings and end with prayer (Litany of St Joseph).
A Telegram chatgroup will be created to post instructions, share notes and resources, encourage and affirm, post the daily summary, answer questions and clarifications and remind of the upcoming session.
Enquiries: Please write to
fongdavidmatthew@gmail.comSee FAQ at this link:
Check out the e-book version of 'Consecration to St. Joseph: The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father'
https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=wk_GDwAAQBAJOr you can purchase the Consecration to St Joseph audiobook for SGD$9.95 (the original price is USD19.95). Go to