Customer Satisfaction Form
Dear Valued Client,

We want to take the opportunity to thank you for using our service. in order to evaluate our performance and to further improve our services, we would appreciate it if you could spend 2 minutes of your time to answer the questions below and give us your valuable feedback.
Please note that all information provided will be strictly treated as confidential.
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Which of MESCO services do you use? *
Overall, How satisfied are you with MESCO services *
Please rate the performance of the following *
1 Dissatisfied
2 Good
3 Satisfied
4 Extremely Satisfied
Frequency of contact from Sales person (Calls & Visits)
Sales Person timely response to quotations
On time response & follow up from Customer Service team
Accuracy of information delivered from Customer Service Team
Collection team positive attitude
On time Delivery of invoice
Please rate the performance of the following (optional)
1 Dissatisfied
2 Good
3 Satisfied
4 Extremely Satisfied
Clearance lead time and performance
Trucking lead time and performance
Storage performance
Clear selection
What are the most features we are missing?
How did you first hear about us? *
Other comments/feedback ( optional )
Name & Title job *
Company Name *
E-mail *
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