Fresh Local Raspberries for Sale in Halifax - Order Form
We have nearly 200 square feet of raspberry bushes on our property in the Rockingham area (10-15 minutes from downtown Halifax). The raspberries are ripe for harvesting from around the middle of July, into the first week of August.
Although the raspberries are absolutely delicious, these bushes produce more than we know what to do with!
This year we have decided to sell some of our abundant harvest at $5 per pint. After you fill out this form we will contact you when your order is ready (and to confirm location and discuss pick-up details).
Raspberries will be sold on a first come-first served basis. If you would like to postpone your order pick-up when we contact you, you have the option to move further down the list.
If you'd like to harvest your own raspberries, this can probably be arranged! Please indicate this preference in the form below and we will contact you to set up a time.
You can pay by cash or via e-transfer.
Thanks for your interest!