NBCC Community Survey 2024

The Neutral Bay Community Centre (nbaycommunity.com.au) offers members a range of activities and services.

We are conducting this survey to find out how we can expand what we offer to better serve our community.

The survey should take about 5 minutes and all responses will be completely anonymous.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more

Which of our current activities would attract you to visit our Community Centre? 

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What particular classes or activities would you like the Centre to offer in the future? Please specify as many as you wish.

What would usually be the best times for you to visit the Centre?  (Choose as many as you like)

Before today, did you know of the Neutral Bay Community Centre?
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What activities have you accessed at the centre in the past year? Please specify

How satisfied have you been overall with your experience of the Centre? Could you please tell us why?
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