Break Free NYFW Designer Application Form
Thank you for expressing interest in the Break Free NYFW showcase. We will be having a show in September during NYFW. Interviews with designers will begin in June. Upon completion of your interview, your work will be reviewed by the advocacy committee. Final selections for the showcase will be announced on Monday, August 1st.

For more information on the showcase and pricing, visit:
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Email *
What is your name? *
Are you at least 18 years of age? *
What is your phone number? *
What are your social media handles? *
What is the name of your brand? *
When was your brand founded? *
What kind of collection will you be showcasing? *
Have you showcased during NYFW before? *
When did you showcase for NYFW?
What is something you would have done differently for your NYFW presentation? *
Are you an advocate? *
What kind of advocacy do you do? *
Can you describe your advocacy work in detail and how it pertains to the DNA of your brand? *
Are you in recovery? *
What is your sober date?
Our showcase embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion. As such, we have designers participating from around the globe. If English is not your primary language, will you have a member on your team to translate for you? *
Do you require any reasonable accommodations in order to participate within this showcase? If so, what are they? *
Is there anything else you would like to tell us? *
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