Psychology: A community-based journal
We are exploring whether to launch a high-prestige community journal to provide psychologists an outlet that meets the current culture incentives and simultaneously stimulates a community of efforts for open publishing and scholarly communication. Key features of this journal are:

(1) Publication is separated from evaluation: Journal's role is to provide expert peer review
(2) Authors retain licensing rights
(3) Reviews are open, anonymity is optional
(4) Papers receive scores to reduce serial submission and retain independent quality assessment
(5) Authors can revise and resubmit after publication
(6) Open to a variety of sub-disciplines and article formats
(7) Registered Reports are a publishing option
(8) Fosters innovation in publishing and research to improve scholarly communication

We believe that this journal could be a useful complement to other new (Collabra) and established (APS journals) efforts to improve scholarly communication.  Are you interested? We need your feedback!  

First, read the 6-page journal concept:

Second, complete this survey.

Third, share this with colleagues.

If there is sufficient enthusiasm, the exploratory committee will convene a founding committee to determine policies and implement the journal.  You can expect an initial update in late February 2017.  


The Exploratory Committee

David Barner, UC San Diego; Denny Borsboom, University of Amsterdam; Keith Campbell, University of Georgia; Chris Chambers, Cardiff University; Lynne Cooper, University of Missouri; Brent Donnellan, Texas A&M; David Funder, UC Riverside; Morton Ann Gernsbacher, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Jesse Graham, University of Southern California; Alex Holcombe, University of Sydney; Scott Lilienfeld, Emory University; Rich Lucas, Michigan State University; Don Moore, UC Berkeley, Richard Morey, Cardiff University; Leif Nelson, UC Berkeley; Brian Nosek, University of Virginia, Center for Open Science; Elizabeth Page-Gould, University of Toronto; Sam Schwarzkopf, University College London; Yuichi Shoda, University of Washington; Jennifer Tackett, Northwestern; Simine Vazire, UC Davis; E. J. Wagenmakers, University of Amsterdam; Jelte Wicherts, University of Amsterdam; Tal Yarkoni, University of Texas-Austin; Rolf Zwaan, Erasmus University Rotterdam

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Which of the following roles would you be interested in doing for the journal Psychology?
Note: Check all that are of interest irrespective of your existing commitments.
Creating a high-prestige open journal requires effective infrastructure, a highly credible board and review process, and willingness of the community to submit their best work to the journal.  Assuming the first two, what else is needed for you to submit your best work to the journal?
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Expertise area (e.g., clinical, cognitive, developmental, I/O, neuroscience, social)
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Link to personal vita/website (if available)
Comments welcome
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