Fair Share Statewide Partners Volunteer Form
The Fair Share Amendment will be on the statewide ballot this year - Tuesday, November 8th, 2022.

This amendment would amend the Massachusetts Constitution to create an additional tax of four percentage points on the portion of a person’s annual income above $1 million. This new revenue would be dedicated to quality public education and affordable public colleges and universities, and for the repair and maintenance of roads, bridges and public transportation, services that are vital to the success of our state’s residents and economy.

In order to win this transformational ballot initiative we need your support! Use this form to identify how you'd like to contribute to passing the Fair Share Amendment in 2022.
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Email *
Your Full Name *
Your Phone Number *
What organization are you filling this report out on behalf of? If you're an individual activist write "individual" *
What city or town do you live in? *
Would you be interested in being part of a team to pass a resolution endorsing the Fair Share Amendment in your City Council, Town Meeting, or School Committee? *
I can commit my organization to do the following (check all that apply). *
Tell us about all the ways that your organization is willing to support the Fair Share Amendment campaign. If your organization is not prepared to commit to field tactics, select N/A
As an individual I would be willing to support the campaign by (check all that apply) *
Tell us about all the ways that you as an individual are willing to support the Fair Share Amendment campaign. If you're only making commitments for your organization and not yourself as an individual, select N/A
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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