UDA Doula Membership Registration
Thank you for your interest in joining the Utah Doula Association as a Doula member. Our pricing options have changed as of December 1, 2024. You will have the option to register for one year, two years, or three years. Auto-renew options are unavailable at this time. Once this form is completed and submitted, you will receive an email with instructions to set up you profile and a link to submit payment. 
Membership renewal reminders will be sent at the beginning of the month and you'll have until the end of the month to renew.

  • You get a listing in our directory where parents and other members can search by location, specialties, etc.
  • You will get a listing on https://www.birthcircle.com that will connect to your UDA listing, so when you update on either site, the changes will be reflected on both listings.
  • You can advertise your business and services once a week and comment on posts looking for services in the Utah Birth Forum on Facebook (8,800+ members).
  • Ability to post your events, classes, trainings, and more on our website's calendar for parents and other birth workers to see.
  • Discount to our annual UDA Spring Conference with CEU's.
  • Discount to our annual UDA Fall Retreat.
  • Networking, mentoring, community, support, advertising, and more!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First and Last Name *
Email Address *
Business Name *
Membership Level *
Would you like to sign up for our Grant program? This would put you on a list to be an option for recipient families to choose you as a doula for birth and/or postpartum services. If so, follow this link and you'll be able to sign up. If you've already signed up, you do not need to submit another form. https://forms.gle/ck7fvxtwqcRvU2ji7 *
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